How to Naturally Keep Towels White (without bleach)
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There’s nothing like fresh, clean & bright white towels! And keeping them fresh, soft, fluffy, can be a little challenging sometimes. I’ve found a simple solution to keeping my bath towels white without any harsh chemicals.
Sure, bleach works for keeping towels fresh and bright. But the chemicals give me a headache.
And around here, we try to live as naturally as we can. If this is something important for you too, stick around!
I’ll share a couple of my favorite tips for keeping towels fresh and clean.
Related: Natural Living Tips for Beginners
Tips for keeping towels white (naturally)
The first tip is to separate your laundry. Sorting clothes by color and keeping only the white towels for a laundry cycle will help to keep the fabrics & dyes from bleeding on to each other.
I also use a little bit of a boost to keep my towels white, naturally.
Using bleach or other harsh chemicals isn’t great for most fabrics. And it’s terrible for our health.
Just read what EWG has to say about it, here. In fact, it is rated F for many concerns.
You can definitely clean, keep your laundry fresh and bright, and get rid of germs without the use of harsh chemicals.
Learn more about Toxic Items in the Home (and what to replace them with)
Be sure to check out my Natural Cleaning book for many DIY cleaning recipes. It is perfect for anyone who wants to make the transition to more natural cleaning products in the home.
Adding a booster
The second thing that I do to keep my towels bright and clean is to add a natural booster.
I’ve been a fan of using Branch Basics products around my home. And they have an oxygen booster that has worked wonders!
The Oxygen Boost boosts the power of the Concentrate and is great for laundry, stains and grout. No bleach, ammonia, fragrances or dyes. Enough for 32 loads of laundry and safe for septic tanks.
But it can also be used with your favorite laundry detergent to give it a bit of a boost without their concentrate. Although, that is a great product, too!
I highly recommend this product for keeping your whites bright and white.
I love some of the artwork on your blog (it reminds me of the Charlottle Mason picture studies I used to do) and am curious if you could tell me where itcomes from and if it’s possible to print/frame some of them to put around the home? I am not a “techy” person but really feel a need for more good wholesome art in the home for inspiration/contemplation and I don’t really know how to get images from on my computer screen to on my wall :-).Just curious if you had any experience or thoughts 🙂
Thank you! 🙂 Often times, I will have something in mind and search on Google Arts & Culture or Wikiart until I find something that I like or an artist that is fitting. I also shared many sources for art in this post: If you want something pre-made, there’s many great options that I think would be suitable for framing from Riverbend Press ( Simply Charlotte Mason has good artist study resources available too.