Simple Ways to Elevate Homemaking
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Over the years as I’ve learned to love my vocation as wife and mother, I’ve also learned to really love homemaking. And as I’ve embraced this life, I’ve found a few simple ways to elevate homemaking and make it so much more enjoyable.
So I’m sharing all of my favorite tips for making the most of our households as Catholic homemakers.
Keeping a home is definitely a full time job.
Try to avoid the overwhelm and keep things simple! I’m sharing a few of my favorite very simple ways that help me to keep a pleasant home.
Feel free to take what works best for you and your family. And share your favorite tips with me and others in the comments!
“It is love alone that gives worth to all things.”
— St. Teresa of Avila
Invest in linens
Finding good quality tablecloths, tea towels, cloth napkins, curtains, etc. will all really elevate the home.
And I don’t mean breaking the budget either. But finding good quality linens really do make our home feel cozy.
Something new that our family is doing is dressing up the table on Saturday night to be ready for our big family dinner after mass on Sundays. We try to truly sanctify Sundays by making it a special day for the entire family.
Dressing up the table for Sundays, holidays, and feast days makes it extra special and the children really love to get involved in the prep work too.
I love to find vintage linens in good condition from second hand shops or estate sales. Try finding them from estate sales, they are most often in excellent or new condition!
Along the same lines, I believe that finding nice linens for bedding makes a huge difference. Again, it doesn’t have to blow the budget… just a well made bed with fresh clean bedding makes such a huge impact.
We love the Little House on the Prairie book series and the following is taken from one of the books.
Then they put up the curtains. Glass windows must have curtains, and Ma had made them of pieces of worn-out sheets, starched crisp and white as snow. She had edged them with narrow strips of pretty calico. The curtains in the big room were edged with pink strips from Carrie’s little dress that had been torn when the oxen ran away. The bedroom curtains were edged with strips of Mary’s old blue dress…
On the Banks of Plum Creek
The house was beautiful when Ma had finished. The pure-white curtains were looped back on each side of the clear glass windows. Between those pink-edged, snowy curtains the sunshine streamed in…
Ma spread the between-meals red-checked cloth on the table, and on it she set the shining clean lamp. She laid there the paper covered Bible, the big green Wonders of the Animal World, and the novel named Millbank. The two benches stood neatly by the table.
For the love of aprons
And while we are talking about linens, I believe that aprons deserves their own special section here. I wear an apron every single day as part of my daily “mother’s uniform”.
I believe in dressing femininely, and modestly with Mary-like modesty standards. And as this is part of my wardrobe, I believe that the apron is also necessary for all of the work we do as homemakers.
My favorite aprons are usually soft linen from Magic Linen. I have been wearing these basic linen aprons for several years. They come in a variety of cuts and colors too!
The one that I linked to is the cut that I use most often.
Of course there are so many more fancy aprons available out there. I will occasionally find vintage aprons from second hand shops or estate sales in practically new condition. These vintage aprons are great for entertaining or on special occasions.
Keep the home smelling good
There’s so many great ways to keep the home smelling fresh and pleasant. I like to use non-toxic cleaning supplies and will occasionally use a few drops of essential oils added to the mix.
I also like to use a quality and non-toxic candle occasionally. Not only do they make the home smell good, but they also give relaxing vibes too.
There are many natural, non-toxic candle brands on the market these days. And I like to find mine from Thrive Market.
Fresh baked cookies or other yummy baked treats also leave the home smelling delicious! This is a great idea whenever you have guests coming over.
I still remember one time I stayed at an Airbnb and the hosts had just baked cookies for us before our check-in time. That was such a special touch and left the experience memorable.
Fresh flowers
I love to add fresh cut flowers to the home for extra beauty and they just make me happy. I mean, who doesn’t love fresh flowers?
Adding fresh flowers to your favorite places in the home just give it an extra special touch. If you’re not growing cut flowers at home, try the farmer’s market. Or Trader Joes has simple and lovely bouquets. And they’re usually reasonably priced too!
You could even opt for some faux flowers and change them out with the seasons if you like.
Hobby Lobby has some really good quality faux flowers that look pretty realistic. I’ve picked up a few varieties of peonies, ranunculus, roses, and lilies from here and just rotate them out with different seasons.
The same also applies to a nice houseplant. I love adding a sweet little houseplant in a pretty pot to each room of the home to bring a bit of fresh life to the space.
Keep a homemaking journal or binder
I’m a fan of Charlotte Mason in our homeschool and in our home life too. And she recommended that mother’s kept a variety of journals along with their children.
One such journal is called the Enquire Within.
May I suggest the great use and value of a household book, in which the young housekeeper notes down exactly how to do everything, from the scouring of a floor to the making of an omelet, either as she has done it herself, or has watched it being done, with the little special wrinkles that every household gathers.
Charlotte Mason Series, Volume 5: Formation Of Character p. 259
Such an “Enquire Within” should be invaluable hereafter, as containing personal experiences, and should enable her to speak with authority to cook or housemaid who “Never saw it done like that, ma’am.” The ordering of dinners, setting of tables, entire management for a short time of the affairs of a house, will all have place in this training in domestic economy.
In a world that everything is digitized, I like to find ways of unplugging. And journal keeping has been really enjoyable for me.
If an Enquire Within type of journal isn’t for you, maybe keeping your favorite recipes in a journal or binder is another option.
Even though, I’m a food blogger (on my other site), I still keep all of my most favorite and tried and true recipes in a separate notebook in our kitchen.
And there really is a special kind of therapy about journaling and handwritten notes.
Invest in nice tableware
Along the same lines of investing in proper linens for the home, I believe in investing in nice tableware.
You can do this with keeping mindful of the family budget by shopping clearance sales, second hand shops, and estate sales.
There’s no rush or need to have instant gratification here. I’ve been slowly building my collection over the 10 years of my marriage.
I like to find nice vintage pieces that is within budget and matches my style. And slowly add small pieces to my collection over time.
Small touches to the table settings like linens, candle sticks, nice plates, and florals just make the meal so much more enjoyable.
“It is most laudable in a married woman to be devout, but she must never forget that she is a housewife. And sometimes she must leave God at the altar to find Him in her housekeeping.”
― St. Frances of Rome
Decorate with the seasons
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved decorating for the seasons. Decorating the home seasonally and to the family’s style and taste will make a big impression on the little ones.
I still remember my mother going all out for the holidays and seasons. And so, I hope that these memories will leave my children inspired to carry on the tradition in their families.
🖤 Favorite products:
Here are a few of my favorite items as mentioned in this post.
These are just a few of my favorite and simple ways to elevate homemaking and make it so much more enjoyable.
I hope that you found it helpful. If you have any favorite tips to share, comment below!
Such great tips and tricks!! I love that you love to decorate for the holidays because me too! The special Sunday dinner is something I want to incorporate into our lives also. Love it!
Thank you! 🙂 I love creating these memories and traditions with our little ones. I hope you are able to do them in your home too!