
2023/2024 Homeschool Curriculum Choices (Charlotte Mason)

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I just finished finalizing all of our Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum choices for the upcoming 2023/2024 school year.

school books on a shelf with decor & picture frame.

If youā€™re new here, we switched to The CMEC last year and it was wonderful! I highly recommend using their program. That being said, Iā€™ve adapted or changed several of the recommendations to best accommodate our family.

In fact, I receive the most comments and emails asking about the Traditional Catholic based resources we use to supplement with in our homeschool.

This year I have a Form 2 (4th grade), Form 1 (2nd & 3rd grades), and kinderleben (pre-school) students. Last year I combined a few of our subjects and that worked really well for us. So I will be doing that again this year!

For the most part, the suggestions in the post are combined unless otherwise noted.

Religion & Catechism

We have really loved using Our Holy Faith Series for catechism and will continue on with these for our main catechism lessons. New this year, I will be incorporating in The Spiritual Way Series.

My oldest child is preparing for Confirmation and so we are also reading through The Soldier of Christ together.

We do not follow along with the recommendations of Charlotte Mason for the Bible. I wanted to put together a plan based off of the Liturgical Season. However, I think we have a lot to cover as it is so I skipped this plan.

However, we will be reading through Read- Aloud Bible Stories. And Iā€™ve put together selected scripture quotes on pretty floral index cards for memorization. They are stored in this lovely floral recipe box.

scripture verses written on floral index cards with a flower recipe box.

Additional reads:

How do we fit in all of this beautiful feast each week? Basically, we alternate days. So M,W,F are catechism days. T & Th are bible days.

We schedule religion in during our ā€œmorning timeā€ portion of our timetables.

If you are looking for more information on Traditional Catholic sources, I have written a blog post sharing our favorite catechism books.

History & Citizenship

Again something that I supplement with for Catholic options is history. I used something that I found from St Jeromeā€™s library last year. However, I wonā€™t be using it in the future. While it is a great Traditional Catholic option, I just didnā€™t love it. Personally, I found that the language in the book was not beautiful & inspiring.

Since then, I found this Founders of Freedom series that TAN has republished. While, they are more of a text book vs living book, I did pre-read the whole book already and feel like it is a great catholic history option for us.

We will not be following with the chapter questions. Instead are using Charlotte Masonā€™s method of a lesson questions.

I am skipping the recommended Citizenship book as I did not agree with some of the content in the beginning. I have a vintage copy of The Christian Citizen, and since it is a bit advanced for this age, I may just use a few selected ideas from it. Still to be determined.

We are continuing our wall timeline this year and next year, my form 2 student will move on to her own book of centuries.

history books on a table.

Reading & Grammar

My form 1 students have been taught reading by following Charlotte Masonā€™s method as she described in Home Education. We have also have used some of the suggestions from the Discover Reading book.


Narration is done at the end of each lesson and we use a variety of methods depending on the dayā€™s lesson. And new this year, my form 2 student is beginning dictation lessons.

  • Narration: written, oral & drawn
  • Dictation (form 2)


Shakespeare is new this year and I have begun introducing some of the stories through these two books: Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare and Tales from Shakespeare.

Term Novels

I have not pre-read any of these books yet. So, it is tbd if we love them, but Iā€™m sharing what are plans are for the upcoming year.

Windeatt series:

little girl sitting at a table reading a novel.

Sunday Readings

Charlotte Mason recommended special Sunday readings to help encourage building a family culture around Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. 

Sunday reading books as recommended by Charlotte Mason includes: 

  • liturgical living books, focused on the church year, spiritual reading, truths of our faith/catechism, bible readings
  • stories of saints, martyrs, and missionaries
  • folk tales
  • poetry
  • cultural stories
  • inspirational books & tales 

This year we are reading:

shelf with books with school books and framed art.


Modern Language

Natural History

I also shared some of our favorite nature study resources here.

a variety of school books on a shelf.


The Sciences by Edward Holden (form 2)
Easy Experiments in Science by Herbert McKay (form 2)


We are using both this historical atlas as well as this updated version for our lessons.

geography books and atlas on a table.


Math is another subject that we are changing this year. Last year, we used the Charlotte Mason Arithmetic series and one of my children really struggled with it.

This year we are using a recommendation from The CMEC, Beauty & Truth Math. It looks pretty promising from just reviewing & prepping the materials. However, time and experience will tell!

Common Subjects

  • Art – brush drawing, chalk drawing, clay modeling (1 per term)
  • Artist Study – Selected artist per term.
  • Music – Solfege, Justine Ward Music method, Hymns & Folk Songs, Piano lessons
  • Composer Study – One selected composer per term.
  • Recitation – poetry & bible
  • Handicrafts – needlework, paper & cardboard modeling, weaving or needle felting
  • Physical Exercise – Swedish Drill & folk dances

What are we using for notebooks? I covered what we use for form 1 notebooks here and my motherā€™s notebooks here. In addition to the form 1 notebooks, we are also adding these for form 2:

  • book of mottos aka commonplace – we lightly started using this last year and Iā€™ll have my form 2 student try to make it a regular practice slowly through the year. We are using a pretty floral notebook that she picked out to make it a little extra special.
  • foreign language & latin notebooks ā€” we are just using one composition notebook for this with the first half for Spanish and the second half for Latin.
  • science notebook – we are using one of these for science this year.
  • current events ā€” my form 2 student will use this notebook for small narrations and scrapbooking her favorite articles through the week.

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  1. Hi, Mary Beth,
    Just wanted to let you know we love RightStart Math (my son is Form 1B and we are using Level A).

  2. I have always wanted to try Salt & Light’s curriculum book. It has a Charlotte Mason bend but using more traditional Catholic materials & I believe has a 4 year rotation. I’m not sure if she has published all the years yet though!
    Thank you for sharing! Looks inspiring!

  3. Wow!! As a mom trying out homeschool next year, this is incredibly helpful!!! Thank you so much for sharing everything. Truly appreciate it!