Lent Bible Reading Plan
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Planning out the season of Lent by following along with holy scripture and creating a Lent Bible Reading Plan. This plan will help to focus on the sufferings of Our Lord during the time of His Passion.

Lent is just a few short days away. So, this weekend, I’m working on my Lent plan for this year. And for this year, I’m including a lent bible reading plan.
Every year, I like to find a different focus or an area where I need improvement in my spiritual life.
Usually I’ll set up my plan and then I’ll make some time to call and discuss it with my spiritual director.
This year, I’m all about returning to basics and simplifying my prayer routine. Keeping it simple is what works best for me and helps me to make sure that I’m following through on my commitments.
Included in my plan, I’m also focusing on my vocation and how I can perform my tasks more faithfully, with love & joy each day.
Personally, what really works is to keep things simple. If I get too ambitious with creating my Lenten sacrifice & spiritual plan, I end up falling off track really quick.
Don’t get me wrong here, the point is to make a plan that is challenging so we fight our self-will, but also isn’t too restrictive that we can’t follow through.
It’s always best to check in with your spiritual director and ask for advice from someone who truly understands your soul and your needs.
Also, this year, I really want to focus on a Lenten Bible reading plan. In my plan, I spend some time in reading through specific bible passages and then take some time to reflect on them.
Then I’ll journal in my notebook, and create some goals and resolutions from what I’ve just read.
It is really helpful and so great for us spiritually to read over the gospels time and again. So, I’ve put together this simple bible reading plan and it mainly focuses on the gospels.
I have the readings for the Sundays to mimic the traditional liturgical season. I hope that you find this plan as beneficial as I do.
This plan is according to a Douay-Rheims version of the Bible.
Lent Bible Reading Journal
This Bible Reading plan was wildly popular last season of Lent. So, this year I put together a really great resource for you!
I created a digital Bible Reading Journal that follows along with the Traditional Latin Mass liturgy. The daily readings are taken from the TLM Gospels of the day.
This digital Lent Bible journal is filled with inspiration to help to focus on the sufferings of Our Lord during the time of His Passion. Each day during Lent, you will find the Gospel reading taken from the holy mass (TLM) and following the Douay Rheims version of the Bible.
Also included in this digital journal:
– beautiful watercolor images
– Lent sacrifices sheet
– resolutions & notes sections
This journal contains 80 pages to follow along during the holy season of lent. And during Holy Week, the Passion of Our Lord is included from Tuesday – Good Friday.
This looks amazing! How can I get a copy?
Thank you! Generally, I update it closer to the Lenten season. I’m considering making it undated in the future.