
6 Methods of Homeschooling

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New to homeschooling and not sure where to start? There are several different methods of homeschooling to choose from. And I’m going to share a little bit about a few of these methods.

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children writing on a chalkboard

Choosing One of the Methods of Homeschooling

The very first year that I started homeschooling, I opted to use the traditional home education method. And I even purchased an all in one curriculum for my child’s grade level.

Because honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was doing at the time. I went with a recommendation from a friend. At the time, I didn’t know there were so many different methods of homeschooling!

Which this method is great for certain families and situations.

But it wasn’t the right fit for us. After digging in and researching a bit more, I began to fall in love with the Charlotte Mason method.

But just because this is a love of mine, you may not enjoy it. No matter which method you choose, be sure to choose the method that is right for your family and your situation.

So, let’s dive in (briefly) with the different methods…

Classical Home Education

This method is liberal arts focused, and there are two types labeled as classical – neoclassical and liberal arts tradition.

The trivium consists of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, while the quadrivium (also known as the mathematical arts) consists of arithmetic, astronomy, music, and geometry.

This method focuses on teaching children in three stages, called the Trivium. The Grammar Stage (ages 6-10), the Dialectic Stage (ages 10–12), and the Rhetoric Stage (ages 13–18).

A study of Latin forms the foundation of classical education. There is also the study of history and literature to create a knowledge of Western civilization.

Over the years, I’ve learned that this is more of a Neo-classical method. If you’re interested in a true classical method – based off of good books and the wisdom of the ancients, you should read our post about An Education in Wonder.

Unit Study

In this method, all children would be taught lessons that come from the same theme or idea.

For example, the theme might be the civil war or botany. Students would read books about this theme, listen to music about this theme, write about this theme, etc.

This method is great because the entire family would learn subjects together.


This is child led and child chosen method. There is no formal curriculum with the unschooling method.

Unschooling basically goes with the interests of the child. So if your child is interested in dinosaurs or dragonflies, you will research and learn about them until the child is satisfied.

world map hanging on the wall of the homeschool room


Traditional homeschooling replicates the classroom as closely as any of the other methods. There are various subjects and lessons with textbooks and workbooks associated with them.

With the traditional method of homeschooling, students would learn an assignment from the textbook and typically have a standard set of questions at the end. Or use a workbook to practice and show knowledge gained from the lesson.

Charlotte Mason

The Charlotte Mason method is based on her method that all children are born persons and as such, that whole person should be educated.

Her philosophy teaches that “education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.”

The Charlotte Mason method uses rich literature and worthy “living books”. Charlotte describes this as spreading a feast of ideas before a child. And it avoids dumb-down “twaddle.”

In addition to the lessons, she recommended to spend as much out of doors time as possible, nature study & journaling, and to learn a variety of handicrafts.

The Charlotte Mason method also includes a rich variety of composer & music study, picture & artist study, and habit training.

Learn more about Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles.


A homeschooling method using a little bit of all of the other methods. With this option, you can pick and choose your favorite pieces of whatever method you’d prefer.

This method is less structured and often referred to as “relaxed.”

A challenge that I see with this method, there seems to be a bit of extra work involved. You will likely have to create your own curriculum from scratch.

Final Thoughts

There really are so many different methods to choose from!

I hope that this brief overview helps you make the best choice for your family. Especially when you are a brand new homeschooler.

And if I didn’t cover your favorite method, please share below! We would all love to learn from your experiences.

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