Advent Devotionals for Catholic Families
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Can you believe that the year is nearly over and the advent season is upon us? But for Catholics, Advent is the beginning of the new liturgical year.
To help all of us become more organized, I’m sharing a roundup of my favorite Catholic Advent family devotions. I hope that these advent resources are helpful for your family during this holy season.

Favorite Advent Devotional for families
When it comes to preparing for advent, there are numerous ways to celebrate in the domestic church. The faith is full of many traditions that catholic families have celebrated through the years.
If you are new to following along with Advent traditions, or you’d like some fresh new things to add to your home, I’ve got something for you!
I put together this roundup of several of our favorite resources to help you plan out your family’s advent traditions.
The advent wreath prayers are a big part of our traditions. But there are many more great ideas to incorporate. Also… don’t forget to order your advent rose & purple candles!
For years, I have loved to share daily readings / scripture passage from the Old Testament with my children as we hang special ornaments on our Jesse Tree.
And our daily advent calendar is full of inspiring quotes or acts of kindness rather than pieces of chocolate.
Advent Devotions
I put together this printable pack that includes several advent devotionals for families. These traditions have been a great advent devotions for both my older children and younger children.
There are creative ways to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas for each family member with these devotions.
For personal devotion, I like to meditate on the advent bible journal verses. I’m also a huge fan of reflecting on the Divine Intimacy for quiet meditation.
In these advent resources, there really are meaningful ways for the whole family to reflect on during the season of advent.
I put together this advent devotional pack as a way to share the rich traditions of our traditional Catholic faith.
Included in this pack:
- Advent Wreath Prayers
- Jesse Tree Devotions
- Advent Bible Journal (37 pages!)
- O Antiphons
- St Andrew’s Novena tracking sheet
- Advent Bible Verses
Bonus: printable artwork to frame in the home.
Advent Bible Journal
This advent bible journal is included in the Advent printable pack as mentioned above. But is available by itself for $10 off!
Included in this advent bible journal:
- Several pages of beautiful printable art!
- Daily bible quotes with room to journal your thoughts.
- Sheet to plan & keep track of your sacrifices.
- Featuring 37 pages for you to stay focused during this Advent season!
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Here are a few of my favorite items for celebrating the Liturgical Year in the Home:
More of my favorite family liturgical celebrations can be found in this post:
Celebrating the Liturgical Year in the Home
Where would you like to start?