Favorite American Patriotic Picture Books
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In this post, I’m sharing a few favorite American patriotic picture books that we keep in the homeschool room.
These books are great for teaching little ones important lessons in remembering those who served our country & fought for our freedoms. 🇺🇸
“The reverence given to our country includes homage to all our fellow-citizens and to all the friends of our country”
St. Thomas Aquinas, STh. II-II, q101, a1
Wherefore, to love both countries, that of earth below and that of heaven above, yet in such mode that the love of our heavenly surpass the love of our earthly home, and that human laws be never set above the divine law, is the essential duty of Christians, and the fountainhead, so to say, from which all other duties spring.
American Patriotic Picture Books
I’m sharing Memorial Day & Veteran themed picture books in this post. For American History and other Founders of our country, I’ve shared in previous curriculum posts.
We enjoy these picture books for teaching hard lessons in American History, inspiring a love of our country in a gentle way while the children are young.
And I think that especially in these days, we have to instill in our children a true and proper patriotism.
“Dark and sad will be the hour to this nation when it forgets to pay grateful homage to its greatest benefactors. The offering we bring to-day is due alike to the patriot soldiers dead and their noble comrades who still live; for, whether living or dead, whether in time or eternity, the loyal soldiers who imperiled all for country and freedom are one and inseparable.”
Frederick Douglass, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, Decoration Day, May 30, 1871
Of course, if I come across more favorites over time, I’ll add them to this post in the future.
RELATED: More of our favorite picture books can be found here. And I also share some of our favorite nature study books in this post.
A Day for Rememberin’
This book tells the story about what is regarded as the first Memorial Day on May 1, 1865. It tells the story through the eyes of a young boy and remembering those who gave their lives fighting for freedom during the Civil War.
My children have really enjoyed this book, the beautiful images, and learning more about those who fought to end slavery in our country.
The Poppy Lady
When American soldiers entered World War I, Moina Belle Michael, a schoolteacher from Georgia, knew she had to act. Some of the soldiers were her students and friends. Almost single-handedly, Moina worked to establish the red poppy as the symbol to honor and remember soldiers.
We all have enjoyed learning more about the history behind the red poppies for veterans. The images in this book are lovely too.
Twenty-One Steps
An absolute favorite of my children! They’ve had a fascination about the Sentinel Guards for some time and really enjoyed learning a bit more about the history behind the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
This is a nice read aloud and has beautiful pictures too.
Veterans – Heroes in Our Neighborhood
This book is a fun read aloud that teaches respect and appreciation for our Veterans. The children loved this fun rhyming picture book.
I love that it teaches respect for those that serve for our freedoms…it sparked a lot of discussion with my children.
The Wall
If you’ve ever been to visit The Wall Memorial (or the traveling version), you will understand the sentiment in this book. This book sparked many discussions about those 58,000+ names on the Wall, those who lost their lives during the Vietnam war…and all wars in general.
Branches of Hope – The 9/11 Survivor Tree
This book is perfect for introducing the younger children to the events of 9/11. It is something that we must never forget and share with our children. But I’ve struggled with presenting it to them while they were younger and this book helped me with that. This book does not dive too much into the events of that horrible day, but instead it provides a gentle and tactful way of providing a message of hope and resilience.
If you have favorite American patriotic picture books that you think we should include, share them below. And I’ll do my best to review them and add them to the list if appropriate.