The Simple Laundry Routine that Saved My Sanity
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If you are on the hunt for a super simple laundry routine, I’ve got you covered. Switching to this process has saved my sanity. And made for a better home cleaning routine.

The Laundry Routine that Saved My Sanity
I would have clean laundry pile up in several baskets before I had the time or energy to fold and put it all away. My husband and I would dig through each basket to find what we were looking for.
This cycle would continue for days and even weeks, on occasion – it was becoming very frustrating to me.
With another addition to our family arriving soon, I knew that something had to change!
I wasn’t always so unorganized, but with a growing family and feeling the discomforts of pregnancy, I really fell behind.
So, I began to brainstorm and search for ideas on Pinterest. Everything you ever need is on that site…practically! Ha!
But, seriously. I found lots of helpful tips, but nothing really worked for us. I didn’t want to add more baskets or re-organize my laundry room.
I wasn’t finding a quick solution…until one day I found a neat little blog.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember what it was titled so that I could give it proper credit.
Anyway, I found an article which suggested paring down what we currently own.
This was right up my alley! I’m always looking for ways to de-clutter around here.
Simplify, declutter, pare down.
I went through all of our clothes, bagged up items for donation and began my new process. Simplifying our wardrobe has been the best solution for us and I would totally recommend it to anyone who is struggling with maintaining their laundry process.
My next step was to get rid of any extra laundry baskets that we had. This seemed to be one of my biggest crutches, aside from having too many clothes!
The more baskets that we had, the easier it was for clean laundry to sit around without me making any effort to fold them.
Please tell me that I’m not alone here. I got rid of two hamper size and one regular size laundry baskets. I only kept one smaller size laundry basket.
If I don’t have the extra baskets, there’s nowhere to let the laundry sit and pile up!
What I do now.
I keep it simple.
I do one complete laundry cycle at a time and I won’t start another load until one is completely finished – Washed, dried, folded and put away.
Simple, right?
To Recap.
- Declutter and pare down your wardrobe.
- Get rid of extra laundry baskets.
- Do one completed load of laundry every single day.
If you’re like us and following behind on your laundry, give this a try. My laundry is no longer a headache. It doesn’t pile up for days and I actually walk into my laundry room with joy. Who would have thought, right?
Simplicity is where its at, folks!