Motherhood as a Vocation
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What does it mean to live motherhood as a vocation?
Ever feel like motherhood is a struggle, and you fall into a rut with your routine? Or maybe you feel a little inadequate?
Like living through the ordinary of every day can be a bit too much to handle.

Of course we all go through this from time to time, we’re only human after all. And truthfully, this mom life isn’t always easy.
But once I truly viewed motherhood as a vocation, my every day became less of a struggle.
Recently, I’ve begun to embrace the struggles of marriage and motherhood. Viewing motherhood in a different light, has helped me in numerous ways.
It’s easy to feel like we’re losing ourselves a bit.
But some of the best things in life require sacrifices. Some of us sacrifice many things in an effort to be home with our littles.
For others, they have no choice but sacrifice the opportunity of being home with their littles.
Sometimes we sacrifice spending time with our friends. Or we sacrifice time alone. Or even a daily makeup routine. And we make the sacrifice to forego sleep for many years.
In the midst of all of our daily sacrifices as mothers, it’s easy to feel like we are losing ourselves. And sometimes it all may feel like a thankless job.
Motherhood is a vocation to love.
A mother is called to love. And the Good Lord allows us to work out our salvation through loving.
What a beautiful thought that is.
A mother’s vocation is to love her family and through that dedicated love, to work out her own salvation while she is guiding her family to work out theirs as well.
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Offering up the challenges and sacrifices along the way for love. By leaving our burdens and struggles at the foot of the cross, and uniting our daily struggles with the sufferings of Jesus.
There are so many opportunities for us to gain merit and be rewarded for our efforts.
And it’s not always easy.
No matter what season of motherhood we are in, it’s not always easy to unite ourselves with God through each day. I’d love to spend quiet time in prayer and reflection, but that doesn’t always happen.
Actually more often then not, I have a little one at my knees or on my lap while I’m trying to spend time in my devotions.
Once upon a time I was able to wake up before my littles. But that just doesn’t work for me in this season. We have early risers (true farm kids!) and they don’t always sleep through the night. Mama needs some sleep to be able to function!
Motherhood is full of many sacrifices and struggles, but it also incredibly rewarding.
Viewing motherhood as a vocation has helped my every day.
Each and every day is filled with purpose. I keep up with routines a little more easily because I am focused on my priorities.
But I’m far from perfect. Through all of the bursts of impatience or daily annoyances, I am reminded of how much I need to chill out. This is just a season and there will be a day when my littles will be much older and I’ll miss their little interruptions throughout my days.
Just like this short season of raising littles, life in general is short. And it helps me stay focused on our true purpose, on trying to work out my salvation.
Because motherhood is a vocation filled with struggles and sacrifices. But most of all, it’s filled with love and numerous blessings!
I’ve been trying to be more conscientious about viewing motherhood as a vocation so your post title definitely drew my eye.
I can relate to everything you’ve said, but what really struck me and I hope to adopt this lens going forward : “one day …I will miss their little interruptions”
Time goes by so quickly, and the constant desire they have for attention, that’ll eventually go away, and then I’ll be seeking their attention, and will only have myself to blame (or thank) for how they attend themselves to me.
Thank you, Lisa. I was reminded again this morning when I was complaining about their messes. Ha.